Homeschool Days: Plant and Creature Features (grades K-3)

Sold Out!

Selected date

Monday March 6

Selected time

2:00 PM  –  3:20 PM

Maymont’s field investigation programs are a great option for homeschooled students! Enrich your student’s environmental science, history and social studies with hands-on experiences and interactive learning tools that take advantage of Maymont’s new facilities as well as the historic 100-acre landscape.


Plant and Creature Features

Claws, feathers, thorns, scales and shells…every animal and plant is unique! Learn about special adaptations that allow for animals and plants to survive and thrive, through group activities and real-life encounters with live animals. Meet at The Robins Nature Center, where a tour is included.


Additional Information

Free parking is available at The Robins Nature Center, 2201 Shields Lake Drive.  

If you have any questions, please email us at or call 804-358-7166, ext. 304.

